Meeting Date:
Saturday, September 25, 2004
WSCA Board of Directors Meeting
September 25, 2004 Portage Curling Club
(Portage , WI)
Members Meeting called to order at 9:30 am by President Chris Daly. No items were presented. Membership meeting closed
1 Roll Call was taken with club updates from those represented.
The following clubs were represented:
Alpine, Appleton, Arlington, Blackhawk, Centerville, Clintonville, Eau Claire, Green Bay, Kettle Moraine, La Crosse, Madison, Marshfield, Medford, Milwaukee, Pardeeville, Portage, Rice Lake, Tri-City, Waukesha, Waupaca, Wauwatosa
The following clubs were absent: number in () represents consecutive meetings missed
Galesville (23), Loch Wissota (10), Lodi (4), Poynette (1), Racine (1), Superior (3), (2), Wausau (1)
"+" = increased members
"-" = decreased members
"~"= stable membership numbers
"-" = decreased members
"~"= stable membership numbers
~ Alpine – new roof, cookbook fundraiser for roof
+ Appleton – new ice bed
+ Arlington – patched holes in pipe, city truck knocked down chimney
~ Blackhawk – will be looking at new ice bed in 5 years
~ Centerville – Junior Nationals went well
+ Clintonville – possible new compressor, WSCA bonspiel
~ Eau Claire – no new projects
+Green Bay – new clubhouse building, a few extra open houses
~ Kettle Moraine – trying to analyze losses, developing team approach to new members, new literature, web page updated – signups, smoking vs. nonsmoking discussion, school program becoming very successful
~ LaCrosse – continuing discussion with city
+ Madison – membership 40 up, hosting World team selection / Team Trials – curling (hopefully with TV coverage), also hosting State Womens, Men’s District, curling mini course offered through student union
~ Marshfield – now nonsmoking, new scraper, paid off building debt, new mixed bonspiel
~ Medford – new concrete floor ($55,000), got publicity so hope for increase
+ Milwaukee – using Rec. Dept for a learn to curl program, still looking to move, hosting Olympic Preliminary round & State Men’s Championship
+ Pardeeville – ice in for Halloween, raffle was a success
~ Portage – alumni bonspiel was very successful, hosting senior playdowns & state Junior Championships
+ Poynette – 80 to 200 member increase, winter/spring/fall, ice in Sept. 1st, new dehumidifier
+ Rice Lake – August ice, renting ice time, working on budget, paying some personnel (ice $3750, House $3100, treas $599, secretary free curling)
~ Stevens Point – re-insulating icehouse, looking at fundraiser ideas, new roof caused outside water troubles
+ Tri City – new roof last year, new roundabout, trying to pay back bond holders, lots of High School classes
Waukesha – no report
~ Waupaca – new carpeting in icehouse, major vandalism
~ Wauwatosa – rocks inserted and striking bands
2 Minutes of 4/24/2004 meeting were presented. – Two corrections to previous minutes = Chris Daly’s Mike Peplinski’s names were misspelled
Motion by Dave Russel to accept with correction, 2nd Jay Packard - passed
3 Treasurer’s Report – Dunlop
Discussions of WSCA website expenses
All clubs have paid state dues, except Galesville
Motion to accept Chris McMahon, 2nd Dave Carlson - passed
4 USCA Directors Reports
A) Swandby
Major changes to governance
Committee members need not be USCA directors
Size of board reduced from 50 to 30 saving about 30% of costs ($5,000)
Strategic Plan
Membership up to 12,500 from 10,000, possibly due to TV???
In order to maintain TV coverage the US must remain competitively successful
Presentation of Budget
World & Olympic team selection
Tweaked again
Team Trials – Curling and Worlds team selection combine
Tailored to elite teams that want to sacrifice time and money
USCA National Championships
Returning to club/dues paying member format
B) Maier
Format changes and name changes
Men’s Preliminary round
Qualifying Round
Challenge Round
Men’s & Women’s Finals
Site selection is open up from Mid-West
New pins for Trials
USCA Nationals in Chicago for 2005
New pins and trophies
TV coverage
NBC, December 11th & 12th 3:30 to 5:00 (ICE 2004, Continental Cup highlights)
ESPN, Worlds coverage, time to be determined
Member Services
Open house kits available
Junior Camp
Huge waiting list to attend camps
Warren Lowe is new Treasurer of WCF
Still soliciting site selections
2007 Junior World in Eveleth, Mn
C) Packard
Revenue Development Committee
Reward for Sponsorship
5 President’s Report – C. Daly
Went to N. Dakota for membership services meeting
Wisconsin membership up about 400
West is really growing
6 Chairperson’s Reports
A) Secretary – Booklet, printed and distributed, put web site address on booklet
B) Russell – By laws & corporate registration
Change address to Treasurer address
C) Playdowns
Juniors – Swandby, Dec 27-30 Portage, entry fee increase
Men’s – Roe
Post fliers and committee recommendations
State Championship leads to Nationals, Women’s and Men’s
All team members must be dues paying and league members of the same club
Format remains the same
Ice reservation payment if not used will be paid at 50%
Number of days is standardized based on number of teams
Hammer and rock color will be assigned except for tiebreakers
Dates changed and standardized
Jan 14-16, Men’s District
Jan 14-16, Women’s State
Jan 28 – Feb 3, Mixed State
Feb 10-13, Men’s State
Roe moved, Williamson 2nd to accept recommendation in their entirety – passed
Women’s – Chairperson to be determined
Diane Brown, after 15 years, will no longer run it
With the separation if trials/worlds from Nationals elite teams not in,
so we are hoping for increased participation
so we are hoping for increased participation
Mixed – Date changed, in Wauwatosa
D) Seniors – Dushek
State in Green Bay next year Jan 21-23, 24 team limit
National Seniors, Feb 16-20, Curl Mesabi
Several others mentioned
Arlington dates changed, March 18-19
National Seniors in Columbia Cty. 2006
WISSCA, southern senior’s league already underway
E) High School – Vicki Griepentrog, Joel Caulum
Had meeting with schools
Had meeting with schools
Creating structure for district and State
HS State championship Feb. 18-19
Recommend using USCA merit program
HS State championship Feb. 18-19
Recommend using USCA merit program
F) Rules – Maskel (absent reported by Williamson)
Change of sheet size limit, now will be 14’6”
7 Unfinished business
A) Web site – An e-mail will be sent out with instructions
B) Under 18 Optimist
If Wisconsin gets an invitation all should be from Wisconsin
Decided that eligibility is the same, dues paying/league playing
C) Insurance
Complete change
Individual clubs negotiate rather than USCA
Change is per curler, + per square footage with a minimum
If anyone can get a better deal please submit
Madison uses Associated Insurance Agencies of Wisconsin LLC
Tom Solheim is club member
C) Insurance
Complete change
Individual clubs negotiate rather than USCA
Change is per curler, + per square footage with a minimum
If anyone can get a better deal please submit
Madison uses Associated Insurance Agencies of Wisconsin LLC
Tom Solheim is club member
8 New Business
A) State Fair
Discussion, well attended
B) Pleasant Prairie
Curling Day at new ice arena
C) USWCA - Judy Maier
Sells clothing and pins to promote curling for Juniors
Has up to $5,000 for equipment funding for Juniors
Announced bonspiel dates
Has web site
A) State Fair
Discussion, well attended
B) Pleasant Prairie
Curling Day at new ice arena
C) USWCA - Judy Maier
Sells clothing and pins to promote curling for Juniors
Has up to $5,000 for equipment funding for Juniors
Announced bonspiel dates
Has web site
D) Hall of Fame
Submitted request for nomination of Diane Brown & Lisa Schoenberg
McMahon moved, Somppi 2nd
Discussion - Amended motion to recommend Madison CC complete application
Motion passed
Submitted request for nomination of Diane Brown & Lisa Schoenberg
McMahon moved, Somppi 2nd
Discussion - Amended motion to recommend Madison CC complete application
Motion passed
9 Next meeting, April 30th, 2005, Stevens Point Curling Club
10 Motion to adjourn at 1:20 by Dushek, 2nd Chris Daly, passed
Portage Curling Club