The spring meeting of the WSCA board will take place Saturday, April 7th, at the Madison Curling Club beginning at 10:00 AM. Topics of note on the agenda are the vote on the proposed USCA governance changes, election of State officers, and election of a State representative to the United States Curling Association.
Read on for full agenda...
Date: April 7, 2012
Time: 10:00 A.M.
Place: Madison Curling Club, McFarland, Wisconsin
1. Call to Order (roll call). Please limit reports to 10 minutes and have names and dates on hard copy to give to secretary.
2. Old business.
3. New business.
4. Adjourn.
1. Call to Order (Carlson).
2. Approval of Minutes from previous board meeting (Lewis).
3. Treasurer’s Report (Dunlop).
4. USCA Wisconsin Director’s Report (Swandby, Maskel, Carlson,
Delaney, and Lepping.
5. Break – 10 minutes.
6. President’s Report (Carlson).
7. Committee Reports by Chairpersons:
A. Rules (Maskel):
B. Website (Hartman):
C. By-Laws (Russell):
D. Competition:
i. Juniors (Hartman).
ii. Men’s (Roe).
iii. Women’s (Roe).
iv. Mixed (Lepping).
E. Senior Curling (Baker).
F. High School Curling (Caulum).
8. Old Business.
A. WSCA Executive Committee proposed By-Law change for USCA,
re: member initiated changes to By-Laws.
B. Additional proposed By-Laws change, Council of States and Regions (GLCA).
C. WSCA position on USCA governance reformation, By-Laws
amendments (vote to be taken in support or not on
appropriate motion made and seconded).
9. New Business.
A. Nomination and election of officers. Executive Committee as Nominating Committee recommends:
President Mike Dry
Vice President Dave Lewis
VP Competitions Aaron Richards
Treasurer Greg Dunlop
Secretary Rich Lepping
B. Nomination and election of Wisconsin Director to USCA.
Lynita Delaney not seeking re-election. Executive
Committee as Nominating Committee recommends: Rich
NOTE: Duties of Wisconsin Representative to USCA:
As an elected Director from Wisconsin to USCA, you would be
responsible to attend the USCA Board Meetings held twice per
year; participate in one or more committees of your choice
(there are approximately 30 of them); and to report on USCA
activities at WSCA Spring and Fall Meetings.
10. Fall meeting date and place.
11. Adjourn.